Nowadays, I only teach yoga in special, customized settings, like retreats, but I draw on my deep experience with yoga and somatic practices in my spiritual mentoring and mystery school offerings.
The yoga I have taught is rooted in the Vijnana tradition, which was developed by women. I introduced it to Finland in the early 2000s after returning from abroad. Vijnana practice taps into feminine power while being anchored in masculine roots. All movements come from the core, making the practice very gentle on the body and joints. This organic way of moving helps you connect with the earth and move differently—not just going through the motions. Even dynamic movements can feel soft, light, and effortless.
Over the past three decades, my work with yoga has been wide-ranging. I’ve taught weekly classes and specialized yoga for groups like those with eating disorders, seniors, the visually impaired, people with physical disabilities, diabetics, those with rheumatism, epileptics, and trauma survivors, among others. I’ve offered therapeutic yoga sessions at a medical center and developed a yoga-based recovery method for women who have experienced violence. I also created water yoga, which I taught for years in a therapy pool. I’ve led hundreds of advanced courses, workshops, trainings, and retreats in Finland and around the world, reaching thousands of people. I was the lead instructor in the first Nordic three-year Vijnana yoga teacher training program (800 hours).
With my extensive experience in bodywork, yoga practice, and full-time teaching, I offer you grounded, clear insights and practical, experiential guidance in body wisdom. My guidance also includes knowledge of fascia, the biomechanics of the body, the pranic (energy) body, the expansive nature of breath, and how to harness awareness to unlock the body’s potential.
Yoga, somatics, and body wisdom are central to my teachings in the spiritual alchemy work of my mystery school. My strength as a mystic and mentor for soulful living lies in my ability to translate light work into a physical experience, making subtle dimensions more tangible and embodied. This approach has helped many people on their spiritual path, bringing clarity to alchemical sayings like “bringing heaven to earth,” “as above, so below,” and “as within, so without.” This kind of light and energy work also creates balance, supporting the psyche, mind, and other aspects of humanity as consciousness expands and the awakening process unfolds.
Safety and groundedness are key ethical values in my guidance. My goal is always to support the balance between our humanity and our soulfulness. As our inner world expands, body awareness and self-knowledge increase, along with better stress management, emotional skills, presence, and the ability to use breath to connect with ourselves and support our interactions with others.
“During my nearly 30-year yoga journey, no one has guided me in such a grounded, detailed, and body-nurturing way. I signed up intuitively to take care of my changing body, but I didn’t really know much about Vijnana or your yoga teachings. Every time, I realize that this is exactly what my body needs. With my swayback and hypermobility, I used to fold forward with my sit bones lifted. Understanding and correcting this has actually helped relieve pain in my left hip! Today’s uddiyana bandha and ujjayi breathing while lying down were wonderfully calming. What resonated with me from today’s practice, particularly, was: ‘…in the pause after the exhale, the quiet, empty space in the soles of the feet…’ and ‘…the pulsing, living palms…’ Thank you, wise Yogini!” – Maria
“I’ve never approached inversions this way—I’ve always had the wall behind me and walked toward my hands, lifting up from there (which felt unstable). This method felt much gentler and safer. Thank you. Morning Zooms are amazing! Sunshine to you.” – Ilse
“Repetition is the mother of learning, and it’s wonderful to notice that there’s always something new to discover. I’ve been extremely satisfied with all the practices. I’ve gained pranayama exercises that I hadn’t really practiced before. The Vayus and the principles of Vijnana Yoga have definitely influenced my own practice, my yoga classes, and even other fitness classes I teach. I feel that everything I do now has more lightness and air, thanks to more mindful grounding. My understanding of different body types has also deepened, allowing me to help and guide people more effectively.” – Mirja
“For me, Vijnana yoga practice is about deep relaxation and focus, done softly, without striving or forcing. The group’s collective transition into a slower, feminine practice helps with grounding and surrendering to this form of yoga, whose essence, I believe, lies in the transitions between asanas. But Vijnana is not serious or strict—we laugh a lot during the day! I highly recommend trying this; it’s something completely different. Even a sun salutation takes you out of your usual routine.” – Hanna
“In Jutta’s training, I’ve received personalized and insightful guidance that has benefited both my own yoga practice and my teaching. The online yoga sessions between training weekends have been a great addition, allowing me to practice Vijnana yoga safely and gently at home. Every session has helped strengthen my inner connection, offered balance to my body and mind, and clarified my thinking. I’m so glad I joined this training.” – Minna
“As a physiotherapist, I appreciate Jutta’s understanding of the human body’s biomechanics. Her guidance feels safe because she knows where each movement begins, where it ends, and what happens simultaneously.” – Anne
“Thank you for the wonderful and gentle breathwork course! For me, the course provided space and time to pause and connect with myself, together with others. Even though the course was online, you could still sense the energies of others, making the practice feel like more than something done alone. I especially enjoyed the exercises that used our own voices. I was a bit surprised at how good they felt 🙂 Overall, the gentle approach throughout the practice was so lovely, something I truly enjoyed. Grounding, presence, and maybe even returning to the basics 🙂 I would love to participate in more breathwork courses in the future! Wishing you a sunny spring full of love <3” – Jaana
“Thank you again for the breathwork course. The experience was very impactful. On Tuesday evenings, it was wonderful to go to sleep knowing I’d start Wednesday with Jutta’s guidance. The morning sessions left me feeling calm and clear. I hoped to learn a gentler pranayama style, and my wish was truly fulfilled. Discovering the Vayu practices brought me so much joy. The techniques felt intuitive and natural, as if my body already knew them. After 20 years of yoga, I’ve found a whole new world that draws me in to learn more.” – Tiina Ahokas
“Thank you so much for the lessons learned during this course. It brought many new and refreshing ideas into my life. Overall, the classes were very easy to follow. The visualizations and the well-guided exercises were especially helpful, even for a beginner. The imagery helped me return to the lessons during independent practice and led to real ‘aha’ moments. I’m looking forward to future classes. Thank you also for your very encouraging guidance.” – Jessica Toivonen
“It’s been wonderful to focus specifically on pranayama in these weekly sessions. The exercises we’ve done in the course are an essential part of living a yoga lifestyle.” – Hanna Jatila
Spiritual Alchemy
01Spiritual alchemy of the sacred feminine, a path to clarity and unconditional love. A harmonious blend of mysticism and groundedness.
AquaSoul ® - Healing Method
01Energy Healing integrating Light Language Channeling
Akashic Records Readings
02Akashic Records Readings with Light Language Channelings, healings and activations
Channeling/Soul Mentoring
03Embody your soul's potential and live soul-aligned life