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Jutta Niala

Background for the Mystery School

The name of my Mystery School, Bratha D’Shekinah®, came to me through channeling. It’s connected to the lineages of Christ Consciousness and the Magdalene. Shekinah represents the Divine Mother, embodying the sacred feminine fire and light, the essence and power of the white flame. I was also guided to include an Aramaic version of the name because the sacred words and transmissions in Hebrew and Aramaic that flow through me are an integral part of my Mystery School.

At heart, I am an earthy mystic. Spirituality has always been profoundly important to me, a truth reflected in my astrological birth chart. I’ve always walked my spiritual path with conscious intention, guided by an inner prayer to the highest: “Thank you that in this life, I fulfill in love all that I have come here to do.”

As a mystic, I’ve never followed spiritual trends; instead, I’ve powerfully walked my own path, answering the call of my heart and the whispers of my soul. Inside my heart I am also a “spiritual rebel” who wants to break the “norms” and the “usual habits” to do the things in this field. And I really feel and honor the sacredness of life.

But with all that is sacred and beautiful, there also need to be laugh and joy, naturally through an honoring attitude towards all life! Life is not too serious and walking the spiritual path should not be too serious! I mean, it is SO important to cultivate the smooth transitions and ”the sacred dance” between daily life and the spiritual side of everything, as for me they are both real, all the time. This is what I really am at my core, full in human and full in soul and I enjoy both sides! For me it is natural to have both simultaneously, always has been. No problems with that.

As a Human Design Generator, I really feel that joy is uplifting essence for us all to feel the sacredness and rawness of this human life simultaneously. I don’t need to be pretend to be something or someone, I am who I am. I have walked this path so many decades that all the unnecessary layers have fallen away long time ago. And I truly value the quality of being genuine, real, or true to oneself.

My life has been filled with various challenges, and I’ve done extensive work to process them: healing traumas, examining beliefs, and shifting thought patterns and behaviors. The many years of “cleansing” and shadow work have provided a solid foundation for the discernment that underlies everything I offer. These years were immeasurably valuable and challenging at the same time. Humility and discernment have always been important spiritual values for me.

Since 2007, I’ve been faithfully channeling and fulfilling my calling, listening to the guidance of the realms of light and my soul. The guidance I’ve received has been miraculous, deeply transforming both my life and myself. The shifts in my inner world and consciousness have expanded my ability to richly experience multidimensional life and enabled me to share this with my fellow travelers. When I serve as a channel, there is only light and love, a selfless space to serve others. The world of light opens through me in many dimensions, through my being, my words, my breath, my voice, and my movements.

Through channeling, my path has unfolded step by step, leading me to greater heights and deeper into myself. Along this journey, there have been many significant moments where new dimensions of consciousness have opened to me. Each of these moments has been accompanied by study, deepening understanding, and anchoring the insights into practice.

Twenty years ago, during my Reiki Master training, I had a profound and touching experience of the presence of the Source. This experience opened me up to the powerful energy of the consciousness of the Ascended Masters. While leading a retreat at a convent in Israel, I felt the beautiful and compelling call of Mother Mary to serve as a channel for the Christ consciousness and the sacred feminine. I answered this call, and since then, I have been guided by the energies of Mother Mary, Mother Anna, Mary Magdalene, and Yeshua.

In the “Life Touch” energy healing training, the Great White Brotherhood gradually began to channel through me. On the island of Kauai, Hawaii, I experienced many powerful awakenings and moments of deep reception. Through profound transmissions, aspects of my soul were activated, which I now use in this life as I fulfill my calling.

In recent years, my guides of the highest light have been closely and concretely guiding me on my path. I have created the content of my Mystery School step by step, through regular practice under the guidance of the light realms. Everything I offer has been practiced regularly and anchored deeply into my humanity, allowing its vibration and energy to integrate fully. Additionally, the light realms have called me to guide various practices with individuals who have journeyed with me for a long time, and they have reflected back their experiences of these practices.

A few years ago, I was introduced to the frequency of Shekinah’s highest angels. This miraculous consciousness, which carries the alchemy of the circle and the power and essence of the white flame, was the key to expanding my consciousness and preparing me to receive Shekinah, the embodiment of the Divine Mother.

The most significant moment on my spiritual path was when Shekinah, the Divine Mother, powerfully revealed herself during one of my practices. The light and love of Shekinah flowed through me with immense force, like a waterfall of sacred white light, filling the room. I felt this energy anchoring through me all the way to the core of Mother Earth, into the heart portal of Gaia Sophia’s consciousness. This experience was profoundly impactful, simultaneously sacred, gentle, and powerful. These transformative experiences, along with many others, and my regular practice, have laid the foundation for my Mystery School.

Embodiment has always been crucial to me, it is the central thread that weaves through everything. Embodiment is one of the most significant aspects of the sacred feminine, constantly renewing my love for life here on Earth. Regular practice has brought balance to my being and grounded me in the powerful presence of humanity. The balance between humanity and soulfulness is essential, and embodiment is the force that enables me to hold and channel the bright light during moments of connection.

Mystery School Bratha D'Shekinah®

Spiritual Alchemy


Spiritual alchemy of the sacred feminine, a path to clarity and unconditional love. A harmonious blend of mysticism and groundedness.

AquaSoul ®

AquaSoul ® - Healing Method


Energy Healing integrating Light Language Channeling

Akashic Records

Akashic Records Readings


Akashic Records Readings with Light Language Channelings, healings and activations

Channeling/Soul Mentoring

Channelings/Soul Mentoring


Embody your soul's potential and live soul-aligned life