jotain jotain ja viereen kiva kuva
Henkinen Alkemisti on kehollistava ja elämyksellinen sisäinen kasvu- ja muutosmatka itseesi ja omaan voimaasi. Sen tarkoituksena on johdattaa sinua elämään sydäntietoisuudestasi käsin sieluviisautesi ohjauksessa. Kokonaisuus tarjoaa sinulle keinoja oivaltaa ainutlaatuiset kykysi ja valjastaa lahjasi käyttöösi arjessasi, kutsumuksessasi ja mahdollisessa valotyössäsi.

In this episode, I channel the Sacred Seven transmission, a powerful meditation and light language activation for your seven chakras, from the root to the crown. You’ll be guided through breathwork and receive activations to align and cleanse each energy center, preparing your system for the opening of your soul codes. This journey is supported by the divine feminine energies of Isis, Hathor, and Sekhmet, as well as light codes from the star systems of Sirius, the Pleiades, and Lyra. Tune in for a deeply transformative experience.
You can gain from this episode:
– Energetic Alignment: Experience a guided meditation that helps align and balance all seven chakras, enhancing your overall well-being.
– Divine Feminine Activation: Connect with the sacred energies of Isis, Hathor, and Sekhmet, empowering your spiritual growth and soul awakening
– Cosmic Connection: Receive light language activations from Sirius, the Pleiades, and Lyra, opening your energy field to higher cosmic frequencies and your soul codes.
Do you feel the need to heal and tap into your soul codes? AquaSoul® Energy Healing is at the Core of Soul Energy and Soul Codes
AquaSoul® is rooted in a deep soul remembrance, a reconnection to the gifts I’ve carried across lifetimes. These healing abilities, once practiced in past incarnations, have been reawakened in divine timing, activated once again for this lifetime to fulfill my service. AquaSoul® energy healing is a powerful, channeled process that activates the recipient’s soul energy codes within their human energy system, integrating these codes across the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, and astral bodies. It is a transformative and multidimensional healing experience.
More info about AquaSoul® Healing and booking:
Do you hear the call to deepen your connection with your soul, your soul’s purpose, and your gifts? Are you seeking a deeper understanding of your life? Readings from the Akashic Records, combined with light language channelings, offer a powerful and transformative way to achieve this.
Akashic Records Readings with Light Language channelings:
THE CHANNELED FREE OFFER “The Alchemy of the White Rose”:
This channeled Divine Feminine free offer is a transmission in the spirit of Divine Mother Sophia-Shekinah, Mary Magdalene and the Sisterhood of White Rose. It will:
– Guide you towards inner peace, allowing you to cultivate a serene and balanced state of mind.
– Assist you in achieving greater clarity and focus, enabling you to navigate your path with purpose and precision.
– Open your heart to embrace and act from a place of unconditional love, enhancing your capacity to connect deeply and authentically with yourself and others.
You will find more about me and my mission:
If you have any questions at all, please feel free to reach out to me through email:
In this episode, I reflect on my pilgrimage in the French Pyrenees, following Mary Magdalene’s path, exploring themes of simplicity, authenticity, and connection to the earth. I guide you through a rose meditation and a light language activation to embody beauty and connect with your true self on this sacred journey of self-discovery.
Three key aspects of the episode:
1. The Importance of Authenticity and Inner Guidance: The episode emphasizes the significance of being true to oneself, listening to one’s inner voice, and following personal intentions during a pilgrimage, rather than being influenced by others’ experiences or expectations.
2. Surrender and Connection with the Earth: A major theme is the process of surrendering to the journey and the present moment, allowing a deep connection with the earth’s wisdom. This involves being open to the experiences, lessons, and energies that sacred places offer.
3. The Pilgrimage as a Path of Self-Discovery and Embodied Love: The episode explores how pilgrimage serves as a journey of self-discovery, where each step can be a prayer, a way to embody love, and an opportunity to connect with the essence of one’s soul, leading to deeper insights about oneself and life.
THE CHANNELED FREE OFFER “The Alchemy of the White Rose”:
This channeled Divine Feminine free offer is a transmission in the spirit of Divine Mother Sophia-Shekinah, Mary Magdalene and the Sisterhood of White Rose.
This channeled free offer will:
– Guide you towards inner peace, allowing you to cultivate a serene and balanced state of mind.
– Assist you in achieving greater clarity and focus, enabling you to navigate your path with purpose and precision.
– Open your heart to embrace and act from a place of unconditional love, enhancing your capacity to connect deeply and authentically with yourself and others.
Do you want to align with your soul, soul’s purpose and live more soulful life? The Akashic Record readings are great resource for all that. I include the light language activations to deepen the knowledge of the Akashic readings.
Akashic Records Readings with Light Language channelings:
You will find more about me and my mission:
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