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THE CHANNELED FREE OFFER “The Alchemy of the White Rose”

This channeled Divine Feminine free offer is a transmission in the spirit of Divine Mother Sophia-Shekinah and the Sisterhood of White Rose, connected to Mary Magdalene.
This meditation/transmission will:
* Guide you towards inner peace, allowing you to cultivate a serene and balanced state of mind.
* Assist you in achieving greater clarity and focus, enabling you to navigate your path with purpose and precision.
* Open your heart to embrace and act from a place of unconditional love, enhancing your capacity to connect deeply and authentically with yourself and others.

THE CHANNELED FREE OFFER “The Alchemy of the White Rose”

By subscribing, you’ll receive a 60-minute video that includes a free channeled transmission and meditation on the theme of "The Alchemy of the White Rose." Additionally, by signing up for our email list, you'll gain access to exclusive content, updates, and special offers tailored just for you.

We respect your privacy.

The transmission encompasses the White Rose Meditation and the Light Language activation for the sacred heart’s innocence. The purpose is to deepen your connection to your soul essence through the portal of your sacred heart, engaging with the Divine Mother´s presence as well as the alchemy of the names Sophia and Shekinah. The energy of the transmission vibrates the ”I Am”; consciousness in the essence of wisdom and truth. The transmission energetically opens the multi-dimensional sanctity of water and invites you to experience the delicate wisdom of the waters.

I have channeled this free offer based on my experiences on the path of the living transmission as a mystic, my connections to the Cathars from past lives, and my inner initiations during pilgrimage journeys in Southern France.

This meditation/transmission is for you if:

  •  You feel a connection to the sacred feminine, Mary Magdalene, the Divine Mother Sophia-Shekinah, the Cathars, or the lineage of the Rose.
  • You hear the call of the White Rose within your heart.
  • You are intrigued by the mysteries of water and its multi-dimensional essence, from spring waters to cosmic waters.
  • It aligns with your worldview.

Please note regarding the meditation/transmission:

  • The transmission is intended as inspiration for your spiritual journey, supporting you to more fully awaken to your soul’s wholeness.
  • You are responsible for how you engage with the practices: listen to yourself in each exercise and only proceed with what feels right and beneficial to you.
  • Please remember that each person has their unique way of receiving and experiencing. There are no right or wrong experiences in meditation.

This transmission is not for you if:

If you are in an acute crisis or facing physical or mental health challenges, this meditation is not for you. In such situations, always seek the guidance of a doctor, therapist, or other qualified professional. The meditation is not a substitute for therapy or other professional support.
By signing up into the meditation/transmission, you acknowledge and accept the above conditions.

About me:
I am Jutta Niala, an Earth-centered mystic, founder of the Mystery School Bratha D’Shekinah®, a channel of Christ Consciousness and the sacred feminine, and a seasoned yogi. My journey spans 30 years of conscious exploration and practice on the spiritual path, complemented by over 25 years of diverse experience as a full-time wellness entrepreneur.

My Background as a Spiritual Mentor and Channeler:
Spirituality is a natural and unpretentious aspect of my life. As a mystic, I have always perceived the multidimensionality of life, including the invisible realms, as a profound reality. For nearly twenty years, I have been deeply involved in energy work, energy healing, sound usage, intuitive perception, and channeling.

I serve extensively as a channel: I offer channelings, trance channelings and Akashic Records readings, integrating light language transmissions for healing and activation. My work is grounded in connecting various aspects of humanity, revealing the wise, unseen self within. I draw from my dedicated spiritual practice and the insights gained to enrich the services I offer. I mentor and tailor spiritual practices to support inner growth. My Mystery School focuses on soul alignment and soulful life, important themes are heart consciousness, discernment, alignment with personal power, inner potential as a transformative force, and spiritual alchemy. The offerings of the Mystery School and my services are embodied, with the body always at the core of spiritual practice.

My Extensive Experience in Yoga and somatic body work:
I have been involved in founding a wellness center and have managed two different yoga studios over a span of 10 years. I have led thousands of weekly classes, yoga sessions for corporate groups, communities, and special groups (such as those dealing with eating disorders, seniors, visually impaired individuals, those with mobility issues, diabetics, rheumatics, epileptics, and trauma groups from violence). I developed a form of water yoga, which I taught in therapeutic pools. I have held therapeutic yoga sessions at medical center and engaged for years in pioneering work with organization that helps women.
Together, we developed a comprehensive support system for women who have experienced violence, which I facilitated.
I have led hundreds of in-depth courses, workshops, and retreats in Finland and abroad for thousands of individuals and served as the chief instructor in the first Nordic three-year Vijnana yoga teacher training program (800 hours). Today, I utilize all my experience and knowledge of yoga and somatic body wisdom into my spiritual work.

You can find more about me and my offerings at my website www.juttaniala.fi/en/ and in
Instagram: @juttaniala
If you have any questions at all, please do not hesitate to contact me:
I am here for you.

With love,

THE CHANNELED FREE OFFER “The Alchemy of the White Rose”

By subscribing, you’ll receive a 60-minute video that includes a free channeled transmission and meditation on the theme of "The Alchemy of the White Rose." Additionally, by signing up for our email list, you'll gain access to exclusive content, updates, and special offers tailored just for you.

We respect your privacy.


I facilitate couple of times in year pilgrimages connected to these themes ibn Southern France. The next pilgrimage at the footsteps of Mary Magdalene and the energies of White Rose Sisterhood is between the 16 th – 23 rd September 2024. Only one place is left.

Below is some info about the pilgrimage. If you feel the call of your heart to join, please contact me. You can book the free discovery call for more info.

I am organizing for women Maryam-Isis retreat/pilgrimage “The Divine Feminine Union of sacred water and holy fire” in Southern France, the 16th – 23rd of September. The previous similar pilgrimage at the footsteps of Mary Magdalene was in May-June.

This will be a unique opportunity to embark on a transformative journey infused with the energies of the divine feminine and deep soul remembrance. You will get personal transmissions channeled at sacred sites, light language activations, meditations, spiritual mentorship in sharing circles and beautiful ceremonies. The guided somatic approaches support you to reveal the inner wisdom of your sacred body and deepen your connection to the earth.

Before the pilgrimage, we will gather for a group meeting via Zoom, setting our intentions for the journey and creating a shared energetic space for our travels. This meeting will also include a beautiful, channeled transmission as will the gathering after the pilgrimage. We will reconvene on Zoom to share insights and experiences from the journey.

This is exclusively for only 4 women. It is organized in collaboration with local guide and artist and offers unique events. The invitation is to surrender to wordless inner wisdom and deep soul remembrance through the lands infused with the dragon energies and being in sacred sites.

If you hear your soul’s calling to this pilgrimage, you can book the free discovery Zoom call to get more info, please send me email to: info@juttaniala.fi

A discovery call doesn’t obligate you to participate further.

Additionally, you will receive a free light language energy activation/brief channeled session, allowing you to experience the energy and channeling I facilitate. I will also share more of my path and the background for this pilgrimage.


    Message: I am interested in the next pilgrimage to Southern France at the footsteps of
    Mary Magdalene


    “The pilgrimage journey in the footsteps of Mary Magdalene guided by Jutta was far beyond anything I could anticipated. It lasted a week, allowing me to bask in Jutta’s energy from morning until night every day. Each day brought new, breathtaking destinations carefully planned and pre-visited by Jutta. Everything flowed seamlessly, providing space for spontaneous and magical moments. This pilgrimage opened my consciousness in ways I have never imagined. Jutta possesses an extraordinary ability to create spaces filled with exceptionally high energies. Her calm and powerful presence provides a profound sense of safety and guidance for fellow travelers, whether on journeys or in her training sessions. Jutta embodies authenticity in her entire being, approaching each participant of her courses and pilgrimages with deep respect and trust. Her talent of
    explaining complex matters is unparalleled, ensuring that every seeker receives an answer that resonates with their level of understanding. Throughout the days, I engaged in fascinating discussions with the whole group, skillfully facilitated by Jutta’s wisdom.” –
    Nora Soini –

    ”Thank you, Jutta. Thank you, beloved group. Thank you, brightest light of the spiritual realm. This pilgrimage, guided by Jutta, has once again profoundly transformed my life. I returned home from this journey as a different version of myself, a renewed being. This pilgrimage unveiled various experiences of my true self. The sacred places we visited continue to resonate within me. Whenever I wish, I can tune into these places again, to listen to their wisdom and be empowered by their light. The gifts of this journey cannot be explained by logic but must be felt through the heart.” – With love, Laila Clayhills –